Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This comfortable bum was just relaxing next to a sewer manhole looking for some change. Sadly, I declined giving him my hard earned money.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Charles Underwood

Yes, it is his real name. We met this delectable man tailgating at the Eagles game Sunday morning. He was going around asking to wash people's car windows.. Classic! We kindly said no. Then he asked for change, and we kindly said no again. We did give him a Miller Lite, which he gladly took.

I don't remember how we came across asking for his name, but he showed us a newspaper article and sure enough had a picture of him and his name underneath it. I am guessing that was his form of ID. What a wonderful specimen. I wish I asked him to read the article, but he was making all of us a little uncomfortable. For example, he decided to tell us he was in prison before, has done smack, and also hates certain types of people because he does not trust them... what a guy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

National Hobo Museum

So there is a museum dedicated to hoboes. Go figure.

National Hobo Museum

2 areas on the site to check out:
The above 2 pages are great. Definitely worth visiting!

Action Shot!

Another action shot. This bum was moving at an incredible rate so I had to be quick. These shots aren't the best, but given his tremendous speed, they came in crystal clear!

700 Hobo Names

For whatever reason I randomly came across this website today on John Hodgman's (The I'm a PC guy in the Apple commercials) website. I believe he started the idea for the website.. Looks like we have something in common!

The 700 Hoboes Project

The gallery/list of hoboes can be seen here: http://e-hobo.com/hoboes/list/

Good stuff!

Bum Zoo!

As I was walking home yesterday, I seen a lady giving some money to the infamous Wig Lady sitting on Market Street. Most people would think, "Wow, what a kind, generous person"... I myself thought, "What a moron.."

Then I got to thinking.. We live in a world where these "people" live on the street, and get handouts of money and food for free and can't escape living this way. Then I thought, this sounds familiar... very familiar. Oh yeah, this is the same exact life of a gazelle or a tiger in a zoo. They get handouts of food daily (money/food), live in their little environment (city blocks), and just walk around and sleep in their cages/pens (cardboard boxes).

That being said, I give to you...


A small map of what could be a solution to help get the bums and hobos off the city streets.

Lets take a tour of the map and point out some of the landmarks in the zoo:

  1. The Feeding Pen: This is where the normal working class people of society can throw their left-over food scraps that they worked hard for and bought with their own money into the pen for a bum feeding frenzy!
  2. The Sleeping Pen: This is where you can see a bunch of bums sleeping on various stoops, streets, corners and grates. The Sleeping Pen is also set up to look like a mock city block! Awesome!
  3. The Looney Bin: Where can you find crazed bums talking to themselves? Where can you find bums walking around aimlessly? Only in the Looney Bin!
There are also some nice attractions and shops in the park. There is always a close by Forman Mills that bums can go to with their handouts to buy some new clothes at a discount price! Also, check out the hot dog stand! A bum's favorite snack! There are also convenient shops to buy 40's, shoes, and cardboard boxes!

So please, talk to your local representative, start a pledge, petition in your community, and help make Bum Zoo a REALITY!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Bar Bum (Possibly Hobo)

I caught this man at a dive bar on a Sunday afternoon. He may not be a full-fledged bum, but he definitely has hobo qualities, which I feel deserves a spot on the blog. Take for example his beer.. There is nothing better than going to your favorite dive bar, watching the football games, and ordering up a tasty non-alcoholic O'Douls! That sounds like a former bum/alcoholic right there if you ask me. And that moustache / beard combo? Priceless!

Trashbag Jenkins

Caught ol' Trashbag cleaning up his bedroom (a.k.a - doorway) on Chestnut Street between 19th and 20th. He smelled wonderful! As I was preparing to take the picture, his "cologne" was over-powering the entire city block. I can still smell him back in the office.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day 08 - Part 2

Ok.. Fuck Blog Action Day '08. I submitted my site sometime this morning, and it still has not appeared on the main page. Obviously, the bitchfists over at Blog Action Day don't think my site it appropriate enough to show how I am promoting awareness of poverty. That being said, I enjoy poverty. It makes me feel good as a person. When I walk by bums every morning, I think to myself, "Gee, I'm glad I worked hard my entire life, and went to school, and got a good education, because I would not want to be nervously squatting in an alleyway behind a building taking a shit because I don't have a bathroom". So Blog Action Day, first of all.. you can go fuck yourself. Secondly, I hope poverty stays in the world. And lastly, go fuck yourself and your stupid day of promoting poverty.

And just for not putting my site on your stupid page.. Here is a MSNBC link about someone setting a homeless man on fire.

Homeless man dies after being set ablaze

As the great 80's band The Cars would say, "Let the good times roll!"

Blog Action Day 08

Center City Philadelphia Bums is helping to raise awareness about poverty!

Today bloggers everywhere will publish posts that discuss poverty in some way. By all posting on the same day we aim to change the conversation for the day, to raise awareness, start a global discussion and add momentum to an important cause.

Check out http://blogactionday.org or click the button link below.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Action Shot!

I noticed that taking shots of bums when they are walking can be rather challenging. Since they are used to rambling around, they're usually quick and speedy... And this bum was no exception! Even with bags and some luggage cart he was pulling, this bum was walking at a tremendous rate. Luckily I was able to snap a photo before he sped away.

Sleeping Beauty

Just a sleeping bum. Nothing special. He/She did at least hang their coat up before sleeping. Sleeping Beauty was found right off 20th street, next to the Philadelphia Stock Exchange.

Pink Capris

Text message from Mike at 8:23 AM:

"Bum w/ pink pants - male - outside Commerce"

So we took a "breakfast" break and trekked down to the Commerce Bank on 19th and Market St. Not only did we find the man in the pink pants, but he also had a buddy with him.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


No new bums today :-( It must be because it is 61 degrees outside.. Maybe looking for that spare coat to protect their other coat, i can't say for sure. But I decided to look up "Bum" on Wikipedia and got a hilarious result(s).

Bum or Bums may refer to:
  • a slang term for a hobo (though unlike hobos, a bum is unlikely to seek work)
  • a slang term for Anal sex
Never knew about the second one.. but good stuff.

Friday, October 3, 2008


[excerpt from Tommy Boy]
Tommy: What's you name?
Helen: Helen.
Tommy: That's nice. You look like a Helen.

This lady was sitting outside 20th and Market St. talking to herself. She was enjoying her lunch; a Gatorade and a pack of cigarettes.

Disgruntled Bum #2

Same bum, different location. Let me tell you, this bum is not territorial whatsoever! We caught him snoozing all the way up 18th and Locust St.

Directions Bum

As Mike and I were walking to the Warsaw Cafe (great place for Pirogies and Polish beer), we came across this man laying in the street. He was very willing to give us directions to where we wanted to go. He told me "Wherever you are going, take a left.. that's where all the women are going. Follow the women". But why would I take advice from a may laying on the ground eating a sandwich? Come on!

Filbert Street Bums #3

This guy was directly across the street from Filbert Street Bums #1 and #2. As I recalled Mike saying, "I thought this guy was going to stab me".. or something along those lines.. and I think the picture is proof of that! Another great head peak!

Filbert Street Bums #2

This fellow was just chilling out side a Septa bus stop around 15th and Filbert. Not to much to say about him. Great wave to the camera though behind that lamp post!

Filbert Street Bums #1

This is not the best photo shot, but it does have 2 bums in it, which is a rare treat! It can't get any better. Also, you may see a head peaking out behind a lamp post!

The Wig Lady (Baby Blue)

I am not 100% on this one, but I believe this bum is also Baby Blue from an earlier post. My theory is that she has multiple wigs in that bag, and depending on her feelings and the day of the week, she will wear a certain wig. Just a theory... I found her relaxing on 20th street right off Market St.

Disgruntled Bum

Not really sure what this guys deal is. I tried reading his sign but it's pretty much all gibberish. I am guessing he was abducted by aliens or was laid off from a big business. Either way, great job from Mike with the thumbs up in the background. Also, the bum is missing his left ear piece on his sunglasses. He can be seen roaming anywhere from 20th street all the way down to 16th. Rock on!

Band of Bums

This traveling band of bums was sitting outside of Gia Pronto on the corner of 20th and Market St. playing some guitar and hanging out. After I took the picture, the lovely lady on the right chased us down demanding money. I opened my wallet and I only had a penny (sad). But, I also had a coupon for a free Harley Davidson Miller Lite T-shirt I won off a Miller Lite bottle. I told her she could have it. Little did she know, but she needs to pay for the stamp and have an address to send the shirt to, mwwahaha!

Midtown IV Bum

I came across this treasure after leaving the Midtown IV on 20th and Chestnut. He was just sleeping and catching a tan on the door way of the adjacent building. Wonderful! Also, if you look close enough, you will notice he is wearing girls jeans with pink flowers at the bottom of the pant leg.

Baby Blue

This wonderful bum usually resides in front of the American Heritage Federal Credit Union building between the 19th & 20th streets of Market. You may also see her floating around 20th street as well. Great find!

Welcome to Center City Bums!

Welcome to Center City Bums. Home of Center City Philadelphia's finest bums... literally. Enjoy your stay and please submit any photos you can find. Let the hunt begin!!